Guess What We’re Related To?
Did you know?
According to science, the “Evolution theory” is not linear. What this means, contrary to popular belief, is that the process of which a species evolves isn’t through a singular pathway of adaptations, but rather through a more diversity of pathways. In other words, if we were to look at the history of a particular species through the evolution tree and decided to trace that species back to it’s oldest ancestor, we wouldn’t see a singular pathway that would lead us all the way back to that ancestor. What we would instead see is a branch from the starting point, or “that earliest ancestor”, that would break off into different branches; each branch representing a different species and/or organisms. Let’s put it in more plainer English. If we were to trace human beings back to their original ancestor, we would see that ‘we- human beings’ didn’t evolve from a strait line of monkeys, but rather “human beings” and “monkeys” were at one time the same exact species that, as time expanded, branched off into two different line of species through a process known as natural selection, where we developed distinct features which places us under two completely different categories. In-case you didn’t get that by now, according to this theory specifically known as the “abiogenesis theory” both humans and monkeys use to be the same exact organism! That is monkeys didn’t directly evolve into humans, but rather both humans and monkeys use to be at one point in time a monkey/ape-like organism that evolved into monkeys and humans!This is how scientist explain how human beings and monkeys being related to each other, while still coexisting at the same time; us not evolving “from” monkeys, but rather us evolving “with” monkeys. Do you get it so far? Good! ….. well how’s this for you science heads; according to science and this theory, ALL organisms are related! If this is true, say hello to your long lost cousin the “cockroach!”
P.S. : and they say we’re crazy!
God first, above all, always!