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Study | Meat Kills

Study | Meat Kills

100 years ago Sister White warned us of the dangers of red meat, today modern science is just starting to catch up.

Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, pp. 63, 64 (1868).

“The liability to take disease is increased tenfold by meat eating. The intellectual, the moral, and the physical powers are depreciated by the habitual use of flesh meats. Meat eating deranges the system, beclouds the intellect, and blunts the moral sensibilities. . . . Your safest course is to let meat alone.”

The following link,  Red Meat Linked to Cancer and Heart Disease, will take you to the article by the New York Times that describes how bad red meat really is. Modern day scientists are verifying what was given to us through the spirit of prophecy in 1868. Also, in the book of Daniel chapter 1 verses 11 -13,  we learn that the best diet is that of pulse (fruit and vegetables), this is just one of the many examples of health and diet that can be found throughout the Bible. Many people, including Non-Christians, have given up the eating of red meats for the mere fact that it’s healthier to live without consuming it. What are some ways that we as Christians can embrace this important health message, encourage one another, and help each other to end the detrimental relationship with red meats?



My name is Andrena and I am a Business Student at UCF. I love everything that has to do with natural hair and I am currently falling in love with studying God’s original diet and health plan for his people today. My aim is to proclaim God’s Last Message throughout the world and help finish the work of the gospel in my own community. God has been amazing to me, and now it’s my turn to live amazingly for him!

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